As I peruse the internet for birthday party ideas for my little loves and showers for my fantabulous friends, I am simply amazed at the amount of talent that is "out there" in the world! I noticed that most of the blogs were from large cities here and there. I sort of felt like I needed to represent the small{ish} towns out there, like mine. Mostly because I am surrounded by a mega-talented group of friends! This blog is dedicated to all of them and to all of you. For the love of a sweet soiree!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Frilly Galore--It's the Little Things!

The mode I had been in with my first boy was just that. All boy. Outdoors. Sports. Clothes that looked like little men {although super adorable} and dirty everything. The switch in gears when I found out I was having a girl was very welcomed! I wanted the frilliest, dilliest things out there! My friends put on this shower for me and as usual...they REALLY outdid themselves on this one! For me, the key to throwing any shower, birthday party or whatever, is to do something special to make the guest of honor feel...well...special! I was so thrilled! Here they are! My sistas. THESE WOMEN ARE THE INSPIRATION FOR THIS BLOG. Each of them brings something to the table. Some photographers, artists, cooks, seamstresses, florists, hostesses with the mostesses in their own right. Love. These. Women. XOXO! Oh and that round lady in the front and center...that's me!
I am super sentimental, so when I saw everything...I cried.

Having something monogrammed is a super easy way to make any party that much more special!

Speaking of the little things, they had an 8x8 scrapbook monogrammed and put little cards for guests to write a blessing, verse, story or advice on. Each guest took a picture with me and was placed in the book with their written card! How GREAT?!?!?!

Along with this invitation, they ordered me matching Thank-You notes. As guests came in, they had them fill out the envelope to the thank-you card with their address to save me some time when I wrote my thank-you notes! Sounds so simple, but it is always a huge blessing!!!
This old bassinet was actually my friend's when she was a baby! They used it to hold the presents!
Probably my favorite gesture was using my old baby dresses and toys as decorations! It just made it so much more sentimental and thoughtful and my mom was a huge fan, of course!!

I loved this shower. I have the coolest friends! You will be seeing more of them on this blog because they all inspire me!

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